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SPLK-SOPZ - Search Optimization


Duration: 3.0 hours

This three-hour course is for power users who want to improve search performance. Topics will cover how search modes affect performance, how to create an efficient basic search, how to accelerate reports and data models, and how to use the tstats command to quickly query data.


  • Optimizing Search
  • Report Acceleration
  • Data Model Acceleration
  • Using the tstats Command


Topic 1 – Optimizing Search

  • Understand how search modes affect performance
  • Examine the role of the Splunk Search Scheduler
  • Review general search practices

Topic 2 – Report Acceleration

  • Define acceleration and acceleration types
  • Understand report acceleration and create an accelerated report
  • Reveal when and how report acceleration summaries are created
  • Search against acceleration summaries

Topic 3 – Data Model Acceleration

  • Understand data model acceleration
  • Accelerate a data model
  • Use the datamodel command to search data models

Topic 4 – Using the tstats Command

  • Explore the tstats command
  • Search acceleration summaries with tstats
  • Search data models with tstats
  • Compare tstats and stats


  • Splunk Administrator
  • Developer
  • User
  • Knowledge Manager
  • Architect


To be successful, students should have completed the following prerequisite courses:

  • Search Under the Hood
  • Multivalue Fields
  • Scheduling Reports & Alerts
  • Data Models



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